"Senator Joseph R. Biden Jr., fighting to salvage his Presidential campaign, today acknowledged ''a mistake'' in his youth, when he plagiarized a law review article for a paper he wrote in his first year at law school.
Mr. Biden insisted, however, that he had done nothing ''malevolent,'' that he had simply misunderstood the need to cite sources carefully. And he asserted that another controversy, concerning recent reports of his using material from others' speeches without attribution, was ''much ado about nothing.'...
The file distributed by the Senator included a law school faculty report, dated Dec. 1, 1965, that concluded that Mr. Biden had ''used five pages from a published law review article without quotation or attribution'' and that he ought to be failed in the legal methods course for which he had submitted the 15-page paper.
The plagiarized article, ''Tortious Acts as a Basis for Jurisdiction in Products Liability Cases,'' was published in the Fordham Law Review of May 1965. Mr. Biden drew large chunks of heavy legal prose directly from it, including such sentences as: ''The trend of judicial opinion in various jurisdictions has been that the breach of an implied warranty of fitness is actionable without privity, because it is a tortious wrong upon which suit may be brought by a non-contracting party.''"
A "youthful" indiscretion? Though to be in law school you aren't a youth anymore and what about this?
"In 1988 while running for the Presidential nomination Biden gave "...a very strong speech [which] had proven popular with the crowds who had heard it so far. The main problem with this though, was that it had been taken almost word for word from a speech by British politician and Leader of the Labour Party Neil Kinnock, who had used it quite recently. While it’s not unusual for politicians to borrow from different sources this was literally making use of whole chunks of someone else’s work. To be fair to Biden he had credited Kinnock when giving the speech in the past. However there were several times when he hadn’t, and unfortunately a reporter who was aware of Kinnock’s speech was present on one of these occasions."