Donald Trump increased his lead in New Hampshire and Ted Cruz led in Iowa on Wednesday, turning conventional wisdom upside down. The GOP establishment is being completely routed. In the CNN presidential poll released Wednesday, Jeb Bush is just above three percent, tied with Coors.
Hillary Clinton's website wooed young Hispanics by christening Hillary as their abuela, which is Spanish for grandmother. The resulting ridicule wasn't fair. If Bill Clinton courted young Hispanics by labeling himself as their grandfather there's a statistical probability that it could be true.
President Obama pardoned thousands of inmates from federal prisons, slashing years off their felony sentences. This time we are not even getting a deserter back in return. National Security Advisor Susan Rice told NBC News that these prisoners served their terms with honor and distinction.
Thanks for the thread, Pookie!!! It's a brand new year out there!
========================================================================================== By the way, I'm growing rather weary of the cheap comparisons of Obama with Neville Chamberlain. The British Prime Minister got the biggest issue of the day wrong. But no one ever doubted that he loved his country. That's why, after his eviction from Downing Street, Churchill kept him on in his ministry as Lord President of the Council, and indeed made Chamberlain part of the five-man war cabinet and had him chair it during his frequent absences.
When he [Chamberlain} died of cancer in October 1940, Churchill wept over his coffin.
So please don't insult Neville Chamberlain by comparing him to Obama. -- Mark Steyn"