It's Happening Already: Joe Biden Calls a Lid Four Days Into Presidency BY MATT MARGOLIS JAN 24, 2021 11:47 AM ET
Joe Biden’s campaigning from his basement and frequent lids, where Biden was kept away from the media, were a common punchline in conservative media. “How can Joe run a campaign from his basement and hiding from the media?” “How can he be trusted to run the country if he can’t handle a campaign?”
Even when he did leave the basement he got questions about milkshakes. There were times when Joe Biden wouldn’t be seen for days. His campaign told us that it was because of debate prep, but no one actually believed it.
But the campaign is over now. Regardless of whether you believe Biden was legitimately elected, he has the job he applied for, the job we were told repeatedly by his campaign he was fit to handle. So it’s more than a bit concerning that on Saturday, a mere four days into his presidency, Kelly O’Donnell, the White House correspondent for NBC News, reported that the White House had called a lid, and Biden would not be seen in public for the rest of the day.
This isn’t even funny anymore. It never actually was funny, but now it’s far more serious. Biden and his campaign assured the country he was perfectly fit and able to handle the duties of president, and yet Biden is already being hidden from the media four days into the job.
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When President Trump got COVID-19, he didn’t let that stop him from running the country, even as Biden called another lid.
"When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men living together in society, they create for themselves, in the course of time, a legal system that authorizes it and a moral code that glorifies it."- Fredric Bastiat
During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.- Orwell