This Thread Brought To You By The Letter T: (Thank you, cartoonist Rex May)
In Case You Missed It Dept.:
Joe Biden told an interviewer in an online program that Donald Trump is the first racist president in U.S. history. So I guess he's saying that the early U.S. presidents actually loved their slaves as family. Joe was last seen at Starbucks telling a cup of cappuccino that you ain't black.
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo shut down China's consulate in Houston as a nest of spies. In other news about U.S. policy in Asia, the president learned about President Trump's secret plan to destroy North Korea. It involves removing Kim Jung Un and installing the Mayor of Portland.
President Trump began hosting daily press conferences updating the nation on the progress of the virus response, including news on the imminent release of vaccines. The same day, Joe Biden spoke to reporters. He maintained that Trump has responded too slowly to the polio epidemic.
Olivia DeHavilland, forever enshrined in Hollywood movie lore as Melanie Hamilton in Gone with Wind, died at age one hundred and four. This brings up a question. If protestors are so much against the movie Gone with the Wind, why do they keep re-enacting the burning of Atlanta?
The New York Yankees played the Washington Nationals in the MLB season opener on ESPN. Dr. Fauci threw the first pitch from the mound but he threw a wild pitch far wide of the plate and the ball rolled all the way to the backstop. He doesn't want anybody to catch anything.
President Trump urged schools to open and operate safely this fall for the good of the students who need to be in school. Good luck with the teachers unions on that. To make sure the governor keeps the schools closed down, California teachers are going to allow prayer, serve liquor and do hair.
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo targeted red China as an increasingly threatening adversary in an interview with Martha McCallum on Fox News about Asia policy. The good news is, a major peace gesture was made in Afghanistan. The Taliban offered to send peacekeeping troops to Portland.
President Trump announced the federal government made a deal with Pfizer for one hundred million doses of Covid vaccine. We have two ways to kill the virus. Wait until the vaccine can be approved and distributed or call Hillary right away and tell her the virus is going to testify against her.
Los Angeles restaurants in West Hollywood and Beverly Hills this past week began defying statewide and county shutdown orders due to skepticism over these virus statistics. Last night at Dodger Stadium, a foul ball killed two cardboard fan cutouts. The cause of death was listed as Covid.
The Major League Baseball season began in Washington with a dramatic show of player racial solidarity Thursday. Sometimes the jokes write themselves in Washington. It was so touching to see all the baseball players take a knee on a day that happened to be Monica Lewinsky's 47th birthday.
Congressman and civil rights icon John Lewis was honored Monday as his casket was put on display in the U.S. Capitol. He was a champion for voting rights. Due to a quirk in the Democratic Party rules if, G od forbid, Joe Biden happened to die before the election, he can still vote for himself.
HBO agreed to bring Gone with the Wind back to HBO Max but HBO added five minutes of racial context commentary before the movie. The disclaimer is pretty snippy. It reads, this movie contains racist language and racist behavior which viewers may find offensive, unless they are white.