This Thread Brought To You By The Letter T: (Thank you, cartoonist Rex May)
In Case You Missed It Dept.:
Virginia's governorship looks up for grabs after a cascade of scandals by the state leaders last week. In days, the outrages went from infanticide, to black face, to sexual assault, and then back to black face. Virginia has so embarrassed itself West Virginia just changed its name to East Kentucky.
Virginia's governor refused to resign Thursday while the Lt. Governor and Attorney General were wounded by scandal as well. The GOP Speaker is set to take over, but it was learned he once watched Blazing Saddles and laughed out loud repeatedly. He's apologized, but it may not be enough.
ABC and NBC faced blackface scandals of their own Thursday after photographs appeared of Jimmy Kimmel, Jimmy Fallon and Joy Behar made up as black people. It's a bad day for the West Virginia Film Commission. Hollywood won't make any movies about coal miners for a long, long time.
Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez filed a Green New Deal bill Friday that imposes a huge tax rate, ends air travel, kills all cattle, ends coal and gas power and renovates every building in the U.S. It could be the silliest bill ever filed. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez walks into a bar, and lowers it.
Senator Elizabeth Warren was contrite Wednesday after she was caught on her old Texas Bar application asserting she's an American Indian. The senator spent all day apologizing and admitting she belonged to no tribe. Warren was really red-faced about it so she'll never be governor of Virginia.
The Green New Deal and its six trillion dollar cost would end airplane travel, kill the cows and the oil companies. It's insane. Dogs can understand one hundred-sixty-five words, count up to five and even have a basic understanding of arithmetic, which makes them overqualified for Congress.
Iowa presidential campaigning got rolling and mudslinging has already started. It's going to be fun. On Monday Elizabeth Warren said Donald Trump may be in prison by the time of the election, and Trump supporters said before that happens Liz Warren will move onto a reservation.