On Sunday’s Meet the Press, Washington Post columnist Kathleen Parker sharply criticized Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign rollout and insisted that “[s]he has to let this inner ayatollah get out of her head.” Throughout the panel discussion, Parker and Republican strategist Steve Schmidt mocked Clinton for the “contrived” and “unauthentic” campaign rollout orchestrated by Mrs. Clinton.
For her part, Kathleen Parker, who like Schmidt loves to scold Republicans, said she was “so disappointed in that rollout and in everything that followed” but made sure to point out how kind Clinton is in person:
I mean, Hillary Clinton, if you meet her in person, she is engaging, she's warm, she is charming, she’s all those things but the American people are not seeing that.
After briefly defending Clinton, Parker concluded by poking fun at the media’s obsession with her Scooby van before she offered Clinton some sobering advise:
"You don't just get in a Scooby Doo van and go out into the hustings and say I'm here, I'm one of you, I'm with you and now we’re going to, I'm going to listen and what, you have four people sitting around you? She has to let this inner ayatollah get out of her head."
but some are trying dutifully to report the "real story" here, the one Hillary is trying so hard to promote, that she's "sitting down with people" and brushing off her royalty image. ??? "But Hillary Clinton’s 1,000-mile presidential kickoff journey – from her $2.4m mansion in Chappaqua, New York, to a series of sit-downs in the American heartland that culminates on Wednesday in Norwalk, Iowa – appears to have succeeded, at least temporarily, in brushing off the image of a political royal awaiting coronation for a “champion” of the people ready for battle."