The Ugly Truth Donald Trump Has Exposed 2015-12-13 05:00 by Karl Denninge The fear in both the GOP and Democratic party is visible at the surface when it comes to Trump, and it's not that he's any of what they've accused him of. No, it's really much simpler than that, and both Republican and Democrat parties, along with the mainstream media, are utterly terrified that you, the average American, is going to figure out what underlies all of these institutions in America.
No, it's not that they're ev
It's worse, for evil frequently is recognized and fought back yet for decades America has not awakened to what has been going on in the political and media establishment. It was evident during the Vietnam war and has only gotten worse since.
Likewise there are those who claim that Obama and similar are evil in their view of Muslims and terrorism and of course they wish to draw a distinction between left and right sides of the aisle. Wrong. They're all indifferent.
The political goal is more power for them and their friends, mostly economic power. More ability to extract from you by force and threaten you with jail or worse if you try to resist. More power over your daily life. More power to tell you that you must bake a cake for gays (because your religious convictions don't matter) but if your religious convictions are Muslim then they do matter and must be protected because that's where one of the big reservoirs of oil and undeveloped people that can be exploited in the future reside.
They literally don't care if you get blown up or shot and it doesn't matter if they're Democrat or Republican. They don't care if you live under a freeway overpass because your health "insurance" that you are forced to buy covers so little that you have to spend $6,000 before one dime is covered, and you don't have $6,000. They don't care that a Christmas Party was shot up by a couple of Islamic Nutjobs who they could have identified if they did care and in fact they shut down an investigation on "civil rights" grounds that probably would have identified the shooters years before.
Folks, this is where Trump is really freaking the establishment out. See, Trump already has anything material that he wants, and if something pops up he wants and doesn't have he can simply stroke a check. He has no need to play the indifference game; there is no amount of money he can gain or lose in his lifetime that will change his lifestyle. He has his own security and doesn't need yours, he has his own money and also doesn't need yours.
The visceral reaction you're seeing in the media isn't about Trump's policies. It's fear that's motivating them.
They fear that you might come to realize that you can't demonize the "other side" for being evil; rather, they are both equally guilty almost to a single man and woman at being simply indifferent as to how much you get screwed and by whom, up to and including your death and the death of your children, so long as their desire for more power and control, either for them or their friends, is realized.
If that happens -- if you quit the left/right, republican/democrat, liberal/conservative game and instead demand the indictment of all of them for their treasonous and outrageously unlawful behavior along with their removal from office and are willing to back that up with action up to and including a general strike until they are all gone and in chains then they are all screwed.