You won’t be shocked to learn he portrays white people are evil oppressors benefiting from systemic racism.
Via Campus Reform:
Montana State University (MSU) hosted a “public dialogue” last Tuesday so people could “gain [a] better understanding of what white privilege means in a predominantly white state.”
According to MSU’s calendar events page, “Unpacking White Privilege in Montana: A Public Dialogue,” featured Tobin Miller Shearer, the university’s coordinator of African American Studies and an assistant professor of history.
“To be white in America is to claim an identity that attempts to be de-racialized and is predicated upon the receipt of power and privilege simply on one’s appearance: a racialized appearance from the fundamental equations that whiteness equals access to power and privilege based on one’s racial identity,” Shearer explains in a YouTube video by the MSU Exponent.
Shearer argues that every major economic, health, educational, and justice statistic can be traced to systemic racism. Addressing that racism, he says, will require “engaging and organizing efforts that are no longer predicated with white people no longer being in charge of how the change happens, no longer with white people being the ones to make the decisions about what the emphasis of the organizing efforts will be, but rather look for truly mutlicultural and multiracial collectives that have a common understanding of the way racism acts.”